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Looking for an original Elite Nerf gun? Check out my Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster review


Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe BlasterThe new N-Strike Elite Series was created because the people at Nerf have decided that the time has come to update and improve some of their most iconic and popular blasters.

Although mostly consists of new versions of classic Nerf guns, it has also come up with some new and very unique blasters.

The main selling point of those new and improved blasters, is the fact that they now feature direct plunger firing mechanisms, instead of reverse plunger ones.

This means that they have far greater range and better accuracy than “regular” Nerf guns.

You can currently get the Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster at a discount price from amazon.co.uk by clicking here!

The Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster is one of the new and completely original blasters of the N-Strike Elite Nerf guns series. This means that it doesn’t have the pedigree of a previous classic model to fall back on. Can this original Nerf gun stand on its own against improved versions of already battle tested models? There is only one way to find out: keep on reading my review!

Elite Stryfe Blaster

You can get the Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster on sale here.

The Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster at a glance

The Stryfe Blaster is a completely original Elite Nerf gun and it is a very worthy and welcome addition to a series that consists of updated versions of classic Nerf guns. Like all Elite nerf guns, the Stryfe Blaster features a direct plunger firing mechanism, which provides it with far greater range and better accuracy than even the most heavily modified “regular” Nerf blasters.

What makes it stand out though, is its size, which allows it to be used as either a sidearm or a main blaster and its mechanized firing system, which allows it to fire without having to be primed first.

Nerf N-Strike Elite StryfeRange

Like all N-Strike Elite blasters, the Stryfe has a far greater range than pretty much all of the classic N-Strike blasters. Specifically, the Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster has a firing range of a whopping fifty to sixty feet and that’s when fired flat. Firing at an angle, which will increase the range even more!

When fired at an angle, the Stryfe is able to make its darts travel up to seventy-five feet away. It should be noted that since this is a battery operated blaster, the quality of the batteries used and their remaining power can and will affect its ranges in a negative way.

Firing rate

The Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster is able to fire three to four darts per second. This means that you can empty its stock magazine in a little more than a second. However it should be noted that shooting it this quickly, will result in a decrease of its range by about ten to fifteen feet. This is because the flywheel will not have time to fully rev up between each shot.

No time to delay anymore. Buy the Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster at the best price through here.

Ammo capacity

The Stryfe Elite Nerf gun comes with a six Elite dart capacity magazine. Its package includes six Elite Nerf darts.


The Stryfe can jam when you pull the trigger too slowly. It should also be noted that although it is compatible with larger clips that come with other N-Strike, Elite or not, Nerf guns, using those magazines somewhat increases the chances of a jam occurring, due to the Stryfe’s design. It should be noted that the Stryfe is very accurate, however its accuracy will be affected by the state of the batteries powering it.

The Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster is available with free shipping on amazon, just click this link.

The Good and the Bad

The Good:

  • It can fire its Elite darts up to seventy-five feet away!
  • It has a mechanized, semi automatic firing system!
  • It can fire up to four darts per second and empty its magazine in less than one!
  • It comes with a direct plunger firing mechanism for added range and accuracy
  • It looks really cool
  • It has two tactical rails and it is compatible with most N-Strike stock and barrel attachments, making it very customizable
  • It can be used as either a sidearm or a main gun
  • Great price on amazon.co.uk! Click here to get it!

The Bad:

  • Its performance is great, as expected for an Elite Nerf gun, but it depends on the quality and state of the batteries
  • It can get jammed if you don’t use it correctly or if you don’t use the right accessories.

The best place to get the Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster is definitely amazon.co.uk! Not only will you find this and the best Nerf guns for sale there really cheap, they will also deliver them for free! Click here to get it!