Home Assault N-Strike Mega Centurion blaster with accompanying G7 Microfiber cleaning glove

N-Strike Mega Centurion blaster with accompanying G7 Microfiber cleaning glove


The coolest looking Nerf sniper gun

Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Mega BlasterWhat makes Nerf guns the most popular toy guns for kids, is the fact that they look really cool! Their unique and futuristic designs make them highly sought after. But there is more than meets the eye when it comes to those amazing toy guns.

Each Nerf gun is unique and it can be used to provide an edge to the person using it during Nerf Wars. One of the most popular and effective type of Nerf guns, is the Sniper blaster.

Nerf sniper blasters provide their users with increased range and accuracy when compared to other blasters, which allows them to take out their enemies safely from afar.

The new Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion blaster is a brand new Nerf sniper blaster that will provide you with a unique combination of battlefield performance and amazing looks.

If you want the Best Deal for the Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Mega Blaster then click here!

Check out my review of the Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion blaster with accompanying G7 Microfiber cleaning glove to find out why it’s simply one of the best Nerf sniper blasters ever made.

The Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion blaster at a glance

Elite Centurion Mega BlasterWhat makes the Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion unique when it comes to Nerf guns, is the fact that its part of the brand new N-Strike Mega series. This is a new product line which consists of Nerf blasters that use the new Mega Nerf Darts as ammo.

Those new darts provide increased accuracy and range, and as a result, the Centurion has a longer range than pretty much all other Nerf sniper blasters.

Its amazing range, combined with the new type of ammo, make the Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion one of the, if not the, “deadliest” Nerf sniper rifle models out there. It also comes with a G7 Microfibre cleaning glove that will help you keep it as clean and cool looking as possible.

Incredible range

The most important characteristic of a Nerf Sniper blaster is its range and here is where the Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion really signs! Right after you take it out of its box the Centurion has a range of a whopping 100 feet!

Buy Now the Nerf Elite Centurion Mega Blaster from amazon.co.uk at a great price and with free shipping.

This is about the same range that Elite Nerfers can achieve with their Nerf Sniper guns after having taken them apart and spent countless hours messing around with their firing mechanisms and inner workings. This means that the Centurion, even COMPLETELY unmodified, outranges even the most heavily modded Nerf guns!

New ammo!

Another thing that makes the Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion stand out from other Nerf sniper blasters, is the fact that it uses Nerf’s new Mega Darts.

Those darts are noticeably larger than other Nerf darts, including the most common ones which are the Elite and Streamline darts, and this not only makes them more accurate, but it also allows them to travel further. Being bigger and faster than regular darts, the new Mega Nerf darts are also a lot harder to dodge, which make “tagging” enemies in the battlefield a lot easier.

Nerf Elite Centurion Mega Blaster

Stocks are limited. Don’t miss the opportunity to buy Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Mega Blaster

Easy to use

The Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion has been designed to look and work like the .50 cal sniper rifles, like the famous Barrett rifle, that you see all the time in movies and games Call of Duty and Battlefield video games. All you have to do to prime and fire it, is pull back and release the special lever found on its side and then pull the trigger.

If you have ever played an FPS video games, you will know exactly how to prime and fire it. It also features a foldable bipod that will help you steady your aim in order to increase your accuracy.

Keep it clean

As the name suggests, the Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion blaster with accompanying G7 Microfiber cleaning glove bundle also contains a specially designed cleaning glove. This will help you keep the futuristic looking Centurion as clean and shiny as possible, making you the envy of all Nerf war veterans!

Impressed? The Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Mega Blaster is on sale and you can buy it through this link.

The Good and the Bad

The Good:

  • It has a range of 100 feet, the longest when it comes to Nerf Sniper rifles.
  • It uses Nerfs new Mega Darts for increased range and accuracy
  • The Mega Darts are hard to dodge
  • It comes equipped with a specially designed bipod to help you aim it
  • Using it is really easy and intuitive
  • The Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion blaster with accompanying G7 Microfiber cleaning glove comes with a special cleaning glove that will help you keep it really clean and shiny at all times
  • Great price on amazon.co.uk! Click here to get it!

The Bad:

  • It is significantly larger than other Nerf guns, which means that young kids will have trouble carrying and firing it.
  • It doesn’t come with a scope

The best place to get the Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion blaster with accompanying G7 Microfiber cleaning glove bundle from is definitely amazon.co.uk. Not only will you find the best price for it there, you will also get it delivered for free anywhere in the UK.Click here to get it.