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The best nerf gun for the nerf games lover!
The Switch Shot EX-3: A Nerf gun and a Nintendo Wii...
Choose wisely your next nerf gun from the vast new nerf...
Picking the right accessories for your Nerf gun
If there is one thing that makes most Nerf gun models stand out from other toy guns for kids, apart from the fact that they are completely safe, is the fact that most Nerf guns can be easily “modified” with various official accessories. This versatility allows Nerf gun owners to personalize their guns and not only make them cooler,...
A beginner’s guide to Nerf gun accessories
What makes a Nerf so cool and makes it one of the best toy guns for kids, is the fact that what you see is not all you get! Nerf guns look really cool on their boxes and on the ads on TV or online, but what makes them really special, is the fact that you can easily make...
The best Nerf gun accessories for your Nerf War team!
Any Nerf war veteran will tell you that it takes more than having really cool or new Nerf gun models for a team to win the Nerf wars it takes part in. This is because although most Nerf guns are designed to be highly efficient on the battlefield right after you take them out of their box, their functionality,...
Worried about violent video games?
Check out those Nerf gun video games! One of the main reasons why parents choose to buy their kids a Nerf gun over some other toy guns for kids, is the fact that Nerf guns look nothing like real life guns and thus they don’t make kids desensitized to violence. When it comes to video games though, it seems that...
Are Nerf gun video games good for children?
When the time comes for parents to buy their kids their first toy gun, they will most likely choose a Nerf gun. Why is that, you ask? Well, the reason is actually very simple: Nerf guns look just like toys and not like actual guns and according to recent studies, children shouldn’t be playing with realistic toy guns for...
How and when to reload your Nerf gun and other Nerf dart loading tips!
No matter how cool or deadly your Nerf gun is, when you are reloading it you are essentially a sitting duck, since you can’t use it to defend yourself and you can only fire back at your opponent after you are done loading it. Simply put, every time you reload your weapon, you risk getting “tagged” and “killed”. This...
How to use a single shot Nerf gun efficiently
Single shot Nerf gun models have been around since the early 90s, when Nerf guns were first introduced. Many Nerf fanatics and elite Nerfers started collecting Nerf guns after playing with their first single shot Nerf gun! Those guns are not the most efficient or deadly in a Nerf war, because reloading them does take pretty long and they don’t...
How to dominate Nerf wars with the new disc firing Nerf gun models
Most of us have associated the term “nerf gun” with really fun toy guns that fire harmless dart shaped projectiles, the world famous Nerf darts, with great accuracy and over long distances. This however is no longer the case! Many of the latest Nerf gun models are part of the brand new XLR Tech series and there is something...
What are the best Nerf darts for your Nerf gun?
What makes most Nerf gun models really cool, is the fact that unlike other toy guns for kids, there are many types of ammo that you can choose from them. Nerf guns may fire darts, but that doesn’t mean that there is only one type of Nerf darts out there! As all Elite Nerfers though, there are different kinds...
How to take care of the darts for your Nerf gun
What makes a Nerf gun stand out from other toy guns for kids, is the fact that it fires safe and harmless projectiles, the famous Nerf darts. Those darts are famous for being accurate, for being able to travel long distances and for not causing any pain or injuries when hitting people, or damage when hitting stuff. That’s all nice...
The secrets of the new Nerf gun discs
If there is one thing that probably everyone knows about Nerf guns, is the fact that they are toy guns that fire the famous Nerf dart projectiles, right? Well, this has changed nowadays, because newer Nerf gun models use a new type of Nerf gun bullets: the XLR Tech Discs. Those discs are made of the same Nerf foam...
A beginner’s guide to personalizing your Nerf gun
What makes Nerf guns arguably the best toy guns for kids in the market, is the fact that they are very customizable. When you get a new Nerf gun, you can modify it to make it look even cooler than it is and match your own style and taste. Personalizing your Nerf guns is one of the most fun...
A beginner’s guide to air powered Nerf gun models
Most Nerf guns are spring powered, there are however some models that are powered by air. Those Nerf gun models, also known as Nerf air guns, are usually the weapons of choice of many Elite Nerfers. What makes those Nerf Elite guns so unique and sought after, is the fact that they can fire their art projectiles way further...
Nerf Mission: An app that all nerf gun fans should have!
Most Nerf gun models may look really futuristic and like something that came out of a sci-fi film, in fact many sci-fi films and TV series use re - painted Nerf guns as props, but they are a bit old fashioned when it comes to certain aspects. Many Nerf guns come with scopes, but those just provide the user...
The Switch Shot EX-3: A Nerf gun and a Nintendo Wii controller rolled into one!
If there is one thing that parents lobe about Nerf guns, it’s the fact that those amazing toy guns for kids, will make their kids leave their computers and gaming consoles and get out of the house to get some clean air, play with their friends and get some exercise. Let’s face it though, kids won’t always want to get...
Looking for the best Vortex blaster? Check out the Nerf Vortex Pyragon blaster
Nerf is known for making cool toy guns for kids that fire the famous Nerf darts, which are soft and completely safe for kids projectiles, unlike those used by other toy guns. Some of their new guns however, those of the Vortex line, use a new type of ammo: the XLR discs. Those discs are just as safe as Nerf darts,...
Nerf Tactical Vest kit: The best way to carry extra ammo for your Nerf gun
One of the first things that a Nerfer learns, either through personal experience or by hearing the advice of more experienced Nerfers, is that you should always carry lots of ammo with you in a Nerf War. Even the coolest and “deadliest” Nerf guns are useless when they run out of ammo and having to scavenge darts from the battlefield...
Nerf Super Soaker Hydro Cannon Water gun: the most powerful water gun
I am sure that most of you know that Nerf make really cool toy guns for kids that fire the famous and very safe Nerf dart projectiles. Did you also know however that the people at Nerf also make some amazing Water Guns? A few years ago Hasbro acquired the Super Soaker line and name and handed them over to the...
Looking for the best Nerf Sniper rifle? Here’s the Nerf N-Strike Mega Centurion
When it comes to Nerf Wars, a good sniper can easily turn the tide of battle and lead his or her team to victory from the shadows. This is because Snipers are amazingly good at providing cover for their team mates and from their concealed vantage points, they can see and take out enemies way before they start approaching a...
N-Strike Mega Centurion blaster with accompanying G7 Microfiber cleaning glove
The coolest looking Nerf sniper gun What makes Nerf guns the most popular toy guns for kids, is the fact that they look really cool! Their unique and futuristic designs make them highly sought after. But there is more than meets the eye when it comes to those amazing toy guns. Each Nerf gun is unique and it can be used to...
My Nerf Jolt EX-1 review: a great Nerf sidearm!
Nerf guns have been on the market for more than 20 years and they have become extremely famous and popular all over the planet, so naturally, there are hundreds of different models that you can choose from! Each of those Nerf weapons has its own role to fulfill in a Nerf War, so choosing the one that is best suited...
Looking for a really unique Nerf gun? Check out the Nerf N-Strike Firefly REV-8!
Nerf guns are by far the most popular and successful toy guns for kids ever made. As a result, there are literally hundreds of different models for you to choose from. Since there are so many models available on the market, finding the right one for you or your kid may seem like a complicated and time consuming process! The best...
Looking for an original Elite Nerf gun? Check out my Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster review
The new N-Strike Elite Series was created because the people at Nerf have decided that the time has come to update and improve some of their most iconic and popular blasters. Although mostly consists of new versions of classic Nerf guns, it has also come up with some new and very unique blasters. The main selling point of those new and...
Looking for the best Nerf revolver? Here’s my Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm Blaster review!
The people at Nerf have decided that the time has come to update and improve some of their most classic blasters and this is pretty much how the new N-Strike Elite Series was born. Although this new series does have some unique blasters to show for itself, it mostly consists of new versions of classic Nerf guns. The main selling point...
How does the Nerf N-Strike Elite Retaliator fare against the Recon? Read my review!
The people at Nerf have decided that the time has come to update and improve some of their most classic blasters and this is pretty much how the new N-Strike Elite Series was born. Although this new series does have some unique blasters to show for itself, it mostly consists of new versions of classic Nerf guns. The main selling point...